Displaced Grid

by etofok

Advanced Hotkey Layout For Warcraft III

+ 7 additional UX modules for even faster control!


Modules provide an unfair advantage

Do NOT use vs Players!

Modules are showcase only!

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'Displaced Grid' is a hotkey layout designed for ergonomics and speed.


Warcraft 3 is one of the GODFATHERS of not only the RTS genre but competitive gaming in general.

And it comes to no surprise it's one of the most hotkey intensive games there is.

At 200 Actions-Per-Minute and an average game length floating at around 15 minutes...

We are looking at 3000+ actions PER GAME!

Now, think of how many games an active player might have in one day? In a week? Over the years?..

Why use a hotkey layout designed for ergonomics...of 2001?

Millennium Windows Millennium, released during Warcraft 3 development in 2000

The goal was to reduce the gap between what we WANT to do in-game...

and what we can ACTUALLY manage doing :)

Because I, for one, can't play like Grubby.

imverybadchart the gap between the 'intent' and the 'execution'

Truth is: the worse the interface - the bigger the gap between our intention and our execution.

And ironically, the 'slower' player suffers the most from this gap.

So instead of fighting the interface, Displaced Grid is designed to bridge that gap.

With a better interface we can execute our decisions FASTER

BONUS: And without hand fatigue at all!

  • - Noticeably More Compact
  • - Main Control Groups: QWASZX - for much quicker access to 6 control groups
  • - Select Heroes: '1' '2' '3' - an ergonomical solution that is easier on your hand
  • - Items: ALT + QWASZX - visually coherent with backpack and easier access than alternatives
  • - Attack command: 'Spacebar' - 100% the best choice right underneath your thumb
  • - Abilities: 'E' 'R' 'T' 'Y'
  • - Everything else: lower priority right under the Abilities (DFGH & CVBN)

Aside from the 'Displaced Grid' layout, the package comes with extra 7 modules* designed for fun

overview 'QuickCast Abilities' is NOT a module. It's from Blizzard directly. You can find instructions below.

Module designs follow the same logic of 'bridging the gap' explained earlier.


Please understand: using the modules against an unaware player is technically cheating.

We're not supposed to have this type of functionality in a normal game.

Modules massively improve your ability to interact with the game => they provide a competitive advantage.

Modules are OPTIONAL to use - you don't have to use any of this.

Modules WORK with ANY LAYOUT. You don't need to use the Displaced Grid layout to use modules.

You can easily turn off or deactivate any modules (see instructions below).

RTS games fell off in popularity not only because of their complexity but also because they are 'hard to play'.

'Hard to play' is an illusion. It's a veil. It's not the game that's 'hard to play', it's the opponent that makes it hard for you.

Which is the point of it all.

But the argument is somewhat grounded in reality: it IS hard to CONTROL everything well "to play".

Some players don't see the dexterity check as A PART of the experience.

And some... don't "enjoy sweating out 200 APM" (I've read a lot of comments about RTS games).

And the very intelligence that draws a very specific crowd to strategy games is what's making us self aware of how embarrassing our execution is.

The gap between the 'intent' and the 'execution' might be too noticeable for a lot of players to tolerate.

imverybadchart the gap between the 'intent' and the 'execution'

Add on top of it that it's also a one-on-one battle...

...a mirror for YOUR flaws (and YOUR FLAWS ONLY)...

...no wonder people flake out towards 'team based' mobas.

So unless you LOVE rhythm-management-dexterity-check games, the question "WHY BOTHER?" stands tall. It's not 2003 anymore.

This is even more important in mature communities.

You see, from a newcomer's point of view the experienced players might look completely unapproachable.

You need a significant investment into your ABILITY TO DELIVER.

Which works for physical sports, works for dexterity games. No problem.

Think about it: when we reduce the gap between the intent and the execution, we bring forward tactical knowledge and strategic decisions.

And vice versa.

dexterityvsstrategy I don't want to start any holy wars. This is approximate!

Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing is up to a debate, because with no physical component you end up with memorization and libraries of flowcharts. Works for chess, works for card games.

RTS games gathered a huge following, but have a relatively inactive PLAYER base.

The ratio between the players to the followers is probably second only to Formula 1.

People do enjoy a good game, but since they don't like their own play - they prefer to watch.

So, to create an RTS with an active PLAYER base... we need to design around accessibility and to do so - we need to design a great interface.

All this... is my attempt at doing exactly that as a showcase.

Disclaimer 1: the code might not look pretty for some of you senior level software engineers: I made it all from scratch over 2 months of learning autohotkey, and I'm aware it might not be up to par with enterprise practices. All code is open on github.

Disclaimer 2: We use pixel hunt to 'see' things like item cooldown (cooldown is a hard blue overlay so we can 'see' it). For some modules to work, you will need to do a quick to set up.


'Grid' is a hotkey layout designed for simplicity.

Very good for beginners and casual players.

Better than the 'Classic' layout.

Sc2 Grid command card (screenshot from another Blizzard game, Starcraft 2)
  • 1st Row 1st Column is always "Q".
  • 3rd Row 1st Column is always "Z".
  • 3rd Row 3rd Column is always "C".
  • etc.

Grid layout is available in Warcraft III Reforged.

(Enable GRID in 'Settings' -> 'Input')

"Quick Cast" - ability fires immediately on key activation at the cursor, i.e.

(as you can see, there's no 'Select Target' cursor)

Normal Cast: (1) 'Press Ability Key' -> (2) 'Click Mouse' -> Ability Fires

Quick Cast: (1) 'Press Ability Key' -> Ability Fires immediately AT the mouse cursor position

Problem is...


  1. Quick Casts don't work... well with AOE abilities (we can't see the AOE)
  2. Quick Casts don't work... with items (seems like they forgot to enable it)
  3. Quick Casts don't work... when targeting UI elements
  4. Quick Casts don't work... with the Classic Keys
  5. Quick Casts don't work... with the Custom Keys

Which is weird and sad.

I'm very sad.

The default 'Grid' keys are good.

On the keyboard,

but NOT in-game.

Take a closer look at the command card:

Warcrat III command card

Notice how 'Move', 'Stop', 'Hold' and 'Attack' commands occupy Q W E R slots?

Why are Abilities on Z X C V???

Wouldn't abilities on Q W E R... make more sense?

Wouldn't having "A" for 'Attack' and "S" for 'Stop'... make more sense?

Wouldn't aligning 'Abilities' and 'Train Units' on Q W E R... make more sense?

A valid solution to the 'wrong Grid layout' is to use...

Improved Custom Hotkeys Setup by WTVR
WTVR1 (solution by WTVR)

This is a VERY nice in-game layout!

This is basically 'The Fixed Grid', and should've gotten more attention.

But unfortunately, to rearrange the in-game icons we MUST use the 'Custom' input method (instead of 'Grid')

..which means we won't get the Blizzard's Quick Casts.

Blizzard's Quick Casts only work with 'GRID'.

Weird, huh?

Here's our choice...

  1. Use WTVR CustomKeys.txt: enjoy a nice layout, but give up on Blizzard's Quick Casts...
  2. Use 'Grid' input: enjoy Blizzard's Quick Casts, but use a nonsensical layout...
  3. Use 'Grid' and reassign hotkeys ON TOP of it.

Well, I chose №3 :)

Warcraft III 'thinks' we use 'Grid' (we do), but in reality we have a layer on top of it.

And that is Displaced Grid.


Here's What You Get...

Github Download

Set Up Instructions

Step 1. You MUST use the 'GRID' layout.

Step 2. Go to your %USERNAME%/Documents/Warcraft III folder

Image 1

Step 3. Open War3Preferences.txt

Image 1

Step 4. Change every QuickCast=0 to QuickCast=1 (CTRL + H)

Image 1

Step 5. Enjoy!

Download Autohotkey v1.1: https://www.autohotkey.com/

Download 'Displaced GRID' from Github: https://github.com/etofok/Displaced-Grid-for-Warcraft-III

Run "(RUN THIS FILE) Displaced GRID.ahk" with Autohotkey v1.1

You will be greeted with a splash screen

"Displaced GRID" will appear in your Tray menu

(Displaced Grid is On)

Right click on this icon to get access to Tray Menu:

(Default Tray Menu)

The layout will work out of the box.

Icon in Tray indicates whether it is On or Off

(Displaced Grid is Off)
(Displaced Grid is On)

The layout is active ONLY when the Warcraft III window is active.

When Warcraft III is NOT active (if you're tabbed out) - you'll have your regular hotkeys.

Please note: when the layout is active you won't be able to type in chats (because your keys are remapped).

You can toggle the layout On/Off via a Hotkey.

Default is ScrollLock.

You are free to change the hotkey in 'UserSettings.ahk' (open in Notepad)

"IMAGE_OVERLAY.png" is what is displayed on top of the Warcraft III window.

(When Displaced Grid is On you'll see this overlay.)

This is a lifesaver.

It's aligned for the 1920x1080 resolution.

If you DON'T play in 1920x1080 - the overlay image will be off grid.

So, in this case you'll need to adjust the overlay to your resolution.

This is how I would do it:

  1. Go into Warcraft III
  2. Take an in-game screenshot
  3. Paste the screenshot in any .png editor
  4. (there are tons of websites, and also photoshop and canva)
  5. Use "IMAGE_OVERLAY.png" to align everything correctly
  6. Save and Replace the original "IMAGE_OVERLAY.png"
  7. (don't change the name or the extension)

I use photoshop

(App Tray Menu)

Some modules require very precise pixel coordinates to work. Otherwise they will not work.

For example, we can 'see' that an item is on cooldown by its blue countdown overlay.

But we need to 'know' where to check for it on the screen.

That's why the App needs to know where YOUR item slots are located on YOUR user interface.

Here's what you can do.

If you DO play in 1920x1080: everything should work without any modifications.

If you DON'T play in 1920x1080: you need to adjust a few numbers to YOUR game resolution.

This is very simple:

  1. Open 'UserSettings.ahk' in Notepad
  2. Find "Item1.x" data
  3. You will see X,Y coordinates for each of the 6 item slots
  4. Go into Warcraft III
  5. Take an in-game screenshot with an item on cooldown
  6. Paste the screenshot in Paint
  7. Find THIS pixel:
  8. (this exact pixel: blue overlay on top of the white item border.)
    (Tray Menu)
  9. Adjust the X,Y coordinates in 'UserSettings.ahk' for your item slots, so that you can use QuickCast Items and QuickDrop Items modules
  10. Adjust the X,Y coordinates in 'UserSettings.ahk' for the Portrait UI element as well, so that you can use Self-Target Cast module
  11. (OPTIONAL) To reanchor groups for the 'Command Multiple Groups' module use this:
  12. (Default groups are 1,2,3,4 which are bound to A S Z X)
  13. (OPTIONAL) To reanchor groups for the 'Camera Hotkeys' module use this:
  14. (Default groups are 7,8,9,0 which are bound to F1 F2 F3 F4)

In 'UserSettings.ahk' (open in Notepad) you can Enable / Disable modules on App start.

Set "True" to Enable a module.

Set "False" to Disable a module.

Disabled modules won't appear in the App Tray Menu.

This is useful if you only want to use the Displaced Grid layout, without any modules.

Congratulations! You have reached new heights.

What Now?

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If you ever send donations (Twitch / OF / etc) - you can send a donation so that you can say thanks for this effort

I hope to deliver more quality content in my time